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Beryl Stone professional shoes at reduced prices - description

Low leather shoes for work and leisure. Without steel cap with PU-PU oil-resistant, slip-resistant rubber soles. Antistatic and moisture absorbing Cambrelle lining.

Graduated prices
1-2 pairs per CHF 39.00
From 3 pairs per CHF 37.80

All terms and conditions and more information (minimum purchase, delivery time, models) after the discussion with the seller.

Payment options

The wholesaler has not set the payment options. In order to receive information about the payment methods - please contact the seller directly.

Delivery options

The wholesaler has not set the shipping options. In order to receive information about the shipping - Please contact the seler directly.

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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