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CREEPY CREW Halloween make-up products, hair spray and face paint ::: 6-PACKS - description

Wholesale of Halloween make up sets, face paints, hair spray etc. available for preorder.
The items are sold in 6-packs.

➀ CREEPY CREW Face Paints - Non-toxic, easy to apply and remove. Each tube containing ca. 14 g of paint. Sold in assortment: - 2 Sets Of Colours, White/green/black And Red/lemon/blue
PRICE: Buy a pack of 6 items for £6.85

➁ CREEPY CREW Creepy Zipper Make Up Set - contains fake blood, spirit gum and remover, a zip, face paint and sponges.
PRICE: Buy a pack of 6 items for £10.30

➂ CREEPY CREW Ghoulish Make Up Set - contains a variety of face paints and crayons in different colours, with a sponge and applicators.
PRICE: Buy a pack of 6 items for £5.55

➃ CREEPY CREW Scary Blood Spray - containing fake blood that is applicable on face
PRICE: Buy a pack of 6 items for £5.55

➄ Halloween Coloured Hair Spray - non-toxic and easy to wash out, 150ml bottles. Assortment of 3 colours: orange, black and white.
PRICE: Buy a pack of 6 items for £9.00

➅ Deception Halloween Glitter Hairspray - easy to wash out spray in 200ml bottles, supplied with a display box. Assortment of 3 colours: black, silver, and pink.
PRICE: Buy a pack of 6 items for £9.45

More Halloween season products are available on our website.
You can compose your own pallet!

Fast delivery. Leadtime of 5 working days.

Shipping only within Europe!

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  • Bank transfer
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Delivery options

  • National delivery
  • International delivery

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The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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