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DISNEY Moana Colouring Set, Moana Pay Pack, Moana Carry Along Colouring Set - description

Wholesale of Disney's Moana colouring sets for girls. Ideal as a gift.

1✯ DISNEY Moana Pay Pack - with 30 colouring sheets, 4 chunky colouring pencils and reusable stickers | EAN: 5012128480997 | sold in packs of 12 items at £10.80 per pack

2✯ DISNEY Moana Colouring Set - with 8 colouring sheets, 6 colouring pencils and reusable stickers
EAN: 5012128480973 | sold in packs of 12 items at £10.30 per pack

3✯ DISNEY Moana Carry Along Colouring Set - with 5 crayons and 64 colour in sheets
EAN: 5012128481024 | sold in packs of 12 items at £10.30 per pack

Shipping only within Europe!

For larger orders, there is a leadtime of approx. 7 working days on these lines.
More Moana articles and Disney licensed products for children, as well as toys and Back to School supplies are available on our website.

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The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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