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Sell more

  • no sales commission
  • over 100 000 of customers from 150 countries
  • Premium access for merely €24.00 per month
Buy cheaper

Buy cheaper

  • a variety of goods up to 90% cheaper
  • a database of wholesalers and manufacturers worldwide
  • verified suppliers for merely €24.00 per month
Help of personal adviser
Help of personal adviser

Multilingual support via telephone, e-mail, LiveChat, Skype.

Listing unlimited number of offers
Listing unlimited number of offers

Unlimited offers, with photos and product lists

The description of your company in 13 languages
Multilingual description of your company

Translation of offers into all the platform's languages.

Promoting your offers all across Europe
Promoting your offers all across Europe

We promote the ads on Google, social media networks, etc.

Access to opinions about wholesalers
Access to opinions about wholesalers

Opinions on the wholesalers, rating of the suppliers

Offers from 26 European countries, with discounts up to 60-80%
Access to the offers with discounts up to 90%

Unique offers on commodity stocks from all over Europe, Asia and the USA.

Convenient search tool
Convenient search tool

Advanced search engine that allows you to quickly find interesting products.

Easy to find contact details of wholesalers
Visible data of wholesalers

Full contact details of the sellers: addresses, phone numbers, www.

How can I sell more?

Merkandi is an international wholesale trading platform, which brings together wholesalers, distributors, importers and exporters of end of line stocks, overproduction, clearance stock lots, customer returns, ex lease and ex demo products, liquidation stocks, bankrupt stocks and regular supplies.

Our platform, operating in the largest European markets, and available in many languages, allows you to quickly reach the customers interested in constant cooperation in the supply of pallets or containers of merchandise.

The wholesalers and distributors interested in quick sale of their goods place product advertisements on the Merkandi platform, and the users interested in purchase contact directly with the advertisers to determine the details of the order.

Sell more

As a Seller, you do not pay any commission from the sales - Merkandi does not charge it.

Increase your sales, offer your products for sale on Merkandi!

Make the most of our potential:

  • a variety of goods up to 90% cheaper
  • a database of wholesalers and manufacturers worldwide
  • verified suppliers for merely 10 EUR per month
I want to sell more

How can I buy cheaper?

Our Users easily and conveniently establish business contacts with wholesalers on Merkandi, where they buy a variety of goods up to 90% cheaper. For buyers, the Merkandi platform offers an extensive database of verified trading companies from Germany, Poland, the UK, Austria, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Greece, Russia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, as well as from the USA, Romania, Ireland, India, Belgium and many others.

We are constantly developing the Merkandi platform and expanding its reach to new target countries, thanks to which the number of offers on the website is constantly increasing. This year we plan to introduce Merkandi to Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Croatia, Slovenia, Norway, and in the coming years, also to the Middle East.

This means one basic thing for buyers - even more verified purchasing sources of goods from any industry: clothing, footwear, consumer electronics, computers, laptops, groceries, beverages, cosmetics, perfumes, household chemicals and many more.

No matter what product you are looking for, Merkandi gives you access to a database of wholesalers, producers and distributors from Europe and around the world, as well as tens of thousands of wholesale offers.

Make the most of our potential:

  • over 100 000 of satisfied users
  • over 100 000 of comments
  • over 150 countries in the world
I want to buy cheaper
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Business e-book for wholesalers

Get a FREE Business E-book for Wholesalers

As the purchase and sale of goods are becoming more and more accessible, price, quality and profit margin are an advantage over the competition. In this book you will learn how to buy the best, highest quality goods at the lowest price.

Register and pay for your package within 24 hours, and you will receive a business e-book for wholesalers worth €34.90!

Opinions by our users

Haven't you decided yet? Here are some opinions posted by the users who have cooperated with us: