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Can I register as a private person at Merkandi?

Today we are launching a new category of posts: Frequently Asked Questions. We hope that this section will help You in understanding and efficiently utilizing an access to the Merkandi b2b trade platform. Apart from that, please feel free to contact our Customer Service Team.

Can I register as a private person at Merkandi?

Yes, You can. We do not require any documents from those users, who are interested in purchasing the products from the wholesalers subscribed to Merkandi. Furthermore, both of the types of Merkandi registration, the STANDARD and VIP subscription, are available for buyers. Therefore, as long as You remain a buyer, You do not have to send us any documents.

Despite these facts, please remember that Merkandi is a b2b (business to business) trade platform. You will not find retail offers here. Merkandi is a marketplace for wholesale trade, and only bulk sales are introduced at the website. It also means that at least some of the wholesalers registered with us will only sell to the trade, as their business model does not include selling to the public. The exact number of such suppliers cannot be given, because such information are not collected by us. Nevertheless, in most cases You will find the proper information in the offer’s description.

Merkandi wholesale trading platform

Merkandi wholesale trading platform

Merkandi is an international wholesale trading platform for regular products as well as liquidation stocks, overstocks, excess stocks, bankrupt stocks, customer returns and all other wholesale goods.

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