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Wholesale clothing & stock clothes

(22736 offers )  Follow search results

Offers of wholesale clothing for women, men and children. The category includes new, de-branded and used wholesale clothing deals, end of line stocks of branded clothes and wholesale stock clothes accessories and apparel. All volume buyers will find here many high street brands of wholesale garments, e.g. Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger and Emporio Armani clothing, as well as offers of unbranded wholesale apparel or cancelled ordered stocks of ex catalogued clothes. The offers come from independent wholesalers, official distributors and manufacturers from the UK, Europe and other parts of the world.

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Wholesale clothing vendors

Buying wholesale clothing for resale has never been easier! Stocklots of clothing and accessories should be a real treat to all: 

  • clothing wholesalers and retailers, 

  • fashion online stores, 

  • large clothing outlets.

Products displayed by the exhibitors on our platform come from proven sources across Europe. Why don't you order a unique assortment and offer it to your customers? At the same time, you gain the difference between a low purchase price and the price set during redistribution. It's a great opportunity for you to grow your business.

Large stocklots of clothes are an easy way to expand your e-shop or your wholesale store offer. With us, you can finalise a secure and profitable deal.


Clothing wholesale - what kind of offer can you find?

Every day, the traders publish new stock clothing deals. Their origin is different, e.g. some are ends of lines, other consist of used clothing, or customer returns. More detailed information on each batch of clothing and accessories is included in the offers' description. You can also contact the distributor and ask additional questions, so that your cooperation is fully satisfactory.

Remember: on our platform there are goods from all over Europe waiting for you to buy them, very often unique and original. You can purchase them for a fraction of their market value. Full pallets and containers are waiting for your order, and can be quickly shipped to your address.


Stocks cloths wholesale of women's wear, men's clothing, children's apparel...

There are various types of clothes and accessories in stock. For your convenience, we have divided the products by category. Among others, you can order pallets and containers filled with:

  • women's clothing - both new and used,

  • baby & children clothes - for infants, toddlers and teens,

  • men's clothing,

  • underwear - for women, men and children,

  • swimwear,

  • fashion accessories - e.g. headwear, belts, etc.

  • stylish sunglasses - including those from famous brands,

  • bags and purses - a perfect complement to the offer of any wholesale store and clothing store.

You can also order mix stocks, which contain a collection of diverse products. They are the most advantageous financial solution. It may happen that you buy high quality products even at 20% of the starting price. This place may soon become your favourite source of 

If you are interested in any of the available offers, do not hesitate to contact the suppliers through Merkandi. This makes it safe to agree on the terms of the deal. Pretty soon you will receive a large batch of goods ready for wholesale or retail redistribution.

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