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Cheap computer monitors wholesale

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PC monitors wholesale deals, popular brands like Dell, HP or Samsung, but lots of other ones are available too. Vast majority of the available wholesale stocks will include LED and LCD PC monitors, since CRT displays are rarely used nowadays. The condition of the PC displays available to buy is always mentioned in the offer, so you can choose between used or ex demo wholesale PC monitors, and the new or fully refurbished products. In some cases, the wholesalers and IT remarketing companies are also able to offer you untested or damaged PC displays of popular and generic brands, if this is something that you would like to purchase.

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PC Monitors
€1,189.91 /pallet

PC Monitors

33 pc
Mix / returns
Monitor DELL U2412Mc 24
€25.00 - 28% €35.00 /piece Min. price from 30 days before discount: €20.00
-3% on your first order!

Monitor DELL U2412Mc 24"

20 pc
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