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Washing machines & dryers wholesale

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Wholesale washing machines for sale by truck, full containers of tumble dryers, and many similar offers on major appliances can be found specifically in this subcategory! These wholesale deals come from refurbishing companies, exporters and liquidators who are looking forward to selling wholesale refurbished washing machines at really attractive prices. The popular brands that can be found here are e.g. Candy, Beko, Whirlpool, Samsung, Heier. Just check out the offers to quickly find cheap washer dryers that need to be cleared to make room for new arrival of products, the various customer returns of major appliances that might have been damaged during transportation or have small cosmetic defects and thus have to be sold at a reduced price, ex demo washing machines, graded appliances, untested goods as well as those that can be dismantled and used for spare parts. Make business contacts with worldwide importers and exporters! Truckloads of white goods are just at your fingertips!

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