Genuine wholesale trade!
We are a wholesale trading platform, which brings together buyers and wholesalers from all over the world. Thanks to our database of wholesalers, you will get information about the companies, which are offering liquidation stocks, clearance stocks, excess stocks.
Everyday bargains! Merkandi gives you an option of receiving daily or weekly newsletters with latest products listed by wholesalers on the website.
Our platform gives you an option of buying goods of the biggest brands for a fracture of their wholesale price. You can buy anything, starting from branded wholesale clothing liquidation stocks (authentic products in pristin condition), through untested customer returns, to end with bankrupt stocks and seized assets of manufacturers, warehouses and other companies.
Professional wholesalers' catalogue
Wholesalers from all across Europe and the rest of the world!
Direct communication, no brokers
Manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers and so on in one place. All of them presented in the intuitive way, so that you can contact them immediately
Wholesalers from more than 70 countries of Europe, North America, Africa and South America. Don't limit yourself, buy goods at the lowest prices and beat your competition
Genuine contact details of the wholesalers. No more calling brokers, and waiting too long for replies. Buy products directly from sellers!