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Cell phones & landline phones wholesale

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Wholesale mobile phones, smartphones and landline phones bargain deals. Various different offers on new and used wholesale smartphones and mobile phones, also smartphones untested customer returns, and wholesale lots of damaged cell phones and home phones. Offers of popular high-end smartphones like Samsung Galaxy or Apple iPhone, as well as low-end wholesale mobile phones, or even damaged handsets. The offers of home phones include new units, as well as untested ones, or ex demo products. There are also plenty of refurbished smartphones for sale too, including factory refurbished mobile phones, available to buy from official distributors of the well-known brands.

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Phones & mobile phones

The market of mobile phones, especially the one of smartphones, is developing very dynamically. The demand for mobile devices is higher than their supply. Customers are looking for phones with specific parameters but they are eager to buy them at lower prices. However, this is only one market niche targeted by our stocklot phones exhibitors.

Do you own a shop with GSM accessories and phones? Or maybe you are a supplier of mobile phone services? If so, the stocks of goods in this category will be a real treat for you. Every day, our dealers present new goods on the platform. You can order stock of phones and accessories from anywhere in Europe safely, and enjoy comfortable communication with the best wholesalers.

Wholesale used and new phones - reach for suppliers around the world

Sellers from all over Europe are listing full pallets and containers of GSM equipment on our platform. These come from verified sources, as they are:

  • ex demo products - fully functional though they might have some signs of use (e.g. fine scratches or tearing that do not affect the quality of the product)

  • outlet store products and overproduction stocks, 

  • ex lease phones and products from company liquidation,

  • phones and accessories coming from customer returns, 

  • refurbished goods – used, with some parts replaced by new ones,

  • damaged goods – useful to refurbishers, can be repaired or dismantled for spare parts. 

Due to the variety of sources and quality of offered goods, we cater our offer to both internet retailers, electronic wholesalers and stationary mobile phone and accessories stores.

Bulk phones suppliers - get the best price

The range of products offered by exhibitors through our platform is broad and tailored to the needs of companies operating in different sectors of the GSM industry. Amongst the assortment there are:

  • smartphones wholesale of famous brands such as Apple, Samsung or Blackberry,

  • mobile phones accessories in bulk such as cases, covers, cables, chargers or memory cards, 

  • cheap landline phones – usually post demo or ex-lease phones.

By purchasing stocklots, you can offer your customers interesting mobile phones and accessories at very competitive prices. You have a chance to save even a few dozens of percent of their price. All because the products from the stocklotss are usually resold at a great profit. Such investment just pays off!

Wholesale mobile phones suppliers - close the deal minimizing the risk

Our platform works on the international market, becoming a place of exchange for contractors from all over Europe. That is why you can contact the exhibitor without hesitation when you find some interesting stock items. Our service allows you to conveniently and safely fine-tune the terms of the transaction, such as negotiating prices and setting delivery terms.

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