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Food and beverages wholesale

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Residual stocks and end of line stocks of wholesale beverages and food available to buy from producers, distributors and wholesalers from Europe, UK and other countries. The category includes not only wholesale frozen food or dry food, but also wholesale sweets like Milka, and soft drinks like Red Bull or Coca Cola. Quite often, the offered FMCG come from liquidation or overstock as a result of the impossibility to stop the batch production, and as such do not belong to lesser quality goods. There are also offers of canned food for sale, both fresh and short-dated, sold at heavily discounted prices. Apart from short-dated wholesale food and beverages clearance stocks, the suppliers are also offering regular wholesale stocks of food and drinks, because some of them are manufacturers of the products they sell.

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Pallets of food wholesale

The food industry is one of those in which there is huge competition. Are you wondering how to offer your customers the best prices for high quality products? If you are a wholesaler, consider buying pallets and containers of food products from exhibitors from all over Europe. You will find such offers on our platform. You can count on the products unit price considerably below their market price. How is it possible?

Most of the food that comes here comes from overproduction. This occurs when, for technological reasons, the production process of unneeded goods or the products that are being withdrawn from sale  can not be stopped. As a result, manufacturers remain with full value merchandise, which may have, for example, obsolete logos on the packaging or promotional information that is no longer valid. These characteristics make the goods become even several dozens percent cheaper, and you, as a wholesale buyer, make a great profit on the purchase.


Food liquidation pallets from all over Europe available for sale 

Exhibitors offer a variety of foods in wholesale quantities. They are especially suitable for food wholesalers and large retail chains.

The exhibits proposed by the exhibitors include:

  • alcohol – especially pallets of the famous and respected alcohol beverages brands,

  • short-dated food

  • beverages – among others, very popular energy drinks

  • food stocks – sweets, powdered products, spices, preserves.

Exhibitors from all over Europe publish new offers on our platform every day. This is an opportunity to develope your business.


Food and beverage wholesale - buy stocks and redistribute them with a high profit

If you purchase food products on our platform: 

  • you can increase your sales revenue,

  • you offer your customers good quality products, often absent on your local market,

  • you have an opportunity to offer prices lower than the competition and build long-term business relationships with the distributors.

Remember: transactions made through our platform are safe and comfortable. You set the terms of cooperation with the seller online. After finalizing the deal, you will receive all the ordered products within within a fixed time limit. 

Due to the amount of goods coming to you, it is best to try reselling them wholesale. However, you can distribute it by any channel.

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