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Wholesale furniture

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New and used wholesale furniture for sale in the UK, Europe and other parts of the world. Clearance stocks and ex demo wholesale furniture available, as well as brand new wholesale furniture. Living room and bedroom furniture, including beds, sofas, tables, chairs and many more. Some wholesalers are selling their furniture per sets, while the other are offering job lots with many different types of wholesale furniture. This category of wholesale stock also includes furniture untested customer returns coming from major retail chainstores, available to purchase for just a fracture of the retail price.

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Wholesale furniture distributors

Furniture for home, office, garden... Furniture is needed in almost any space. They are not only attractive for the end customer, but also for wholesale distributors. Offer your customers interesting furniture at a very attractive price. It's a real possibility if you take the opportunity to buy furniture stock from all over Europe. The most interesting offers are available on our platform. 

Furniture that is sold by distributors in wholesale quantities come from proven sources. Their purchase is a good business decision, which will allow your company to expand and enhance the offer, as well as to increase your turnover. Pallets and furniture containers may help strengthen the market position for wholesalers, online stores and entrepreneurs running other forms of commercial activity.


Cheap wholesale furnitures - truckloads for home, garden and office from the best sources

On our wholesale trading platform you will find various kinds of furniture from all over Europe ready to be shipped. Among the products there are:

  • furniture clearance stocks — from sales run by manufacturers,
  • furniture from the end of the collection — distributed at a favourable price due to the warehouse clearance,
  • furniture liquidation stocks from business dissolution — most often office furniture, as well as equipment intended for catering premises and hotels,
  • furniture closeout stocks — from furniture shops and warehouses liquidation, sold in bulk at a good price,
  • ex demo furniture — from shop exposition, might have slight traces of use.

These types of products can be successfully sold primarily in wholesale quantities, for example to furniture salons and outlets or other large-scale traders. The extensive range of furniture makes it easy to find the stock that best suits your business needs and your consumers' expectations.


Wholesale furniture suppliers - buy at bargain prices

Sellers from all over Europe are launching new products every day. Look at our platform regularly so that you do not miss out on new attractive offers.

The most important types of furniture that are included in our collection are:

  • home furniture — for living room, kitchen, bedroom, children's room or bathroom,
  • garden furniture — both modern and retro style furniture,
  • office furniture — usually swivel chairs, desks, but also bookcases, conference tables and many more.

You also have a chance to purchase various types of furniture accessories such as mattresses for beds.


Wholesale furniture vendors - make a transaction through Merkandi

Contact your seller and make a transaction on the right conditions: online, safely and without any unnecessary paperwork. Our platform makes it simple and comfortable. We will provide you with the ability to communicate effectively with the wholesalers who are difficult to reach through other communication channels.

If you have not found what you are looking for, check out the offer regularly. You will soon find a commodity that will allow you to conquer new market niches and increase your competitiveness. Take a look at the pallets that you can order here under the best conditions.

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