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Price per piece or price per the whole lot?

Price per piece or price per the whole lot?

In the case of some offers, especially offers on the liquidation stock, bankrupt stock or overstock, there is a tendency to show the price of the whole assortment. This is a simpler and more comfortable solution to choose, as we are going to sell all the lot after all. Why should we bother with the price per piece, right? Well, that’s not totally correct… :-) 

The price per piece makes it easier for the seller to estimate the value of the products.

It is much easier to assess whether or not the products offered are attractive to the buyer, and especially to their customers, as the products purchased wholesale are intended to reach the retail market in the end, and this uses exclusively the per piece price format. 

The price per piece is more appealing.

And this is not only because it is lower. Another important factor is our daily habits and attachment to what we are exposed to every day. We should not forget that, except our professional life, we are all consumers in the first place.

The price per piece is easier to compare.

Before the buyers choose to purchase goods from the specific offer, they check out other sources to compare the prices. There is no point in making it more difficult to them: as much as it is important, the price is not the only factor for deciding whether we should buy the stock or not.

When and how should we use the take-all price, then?

Only as a last resort. :-) If the offer concerns really off-standard products such as production lines or sets of industrial machines, using the take-all price seems justified; in all other cases, it is better to display the price per piece.

Merkandi wholesale trading platform

Merkandi wholesale trading platform

Merkandi is an international wholesale trading platform for regular products as well as liquidation stocks, overstocks, excess stocks, bankrupt stocks, customer returns and all other wholesale goods.

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