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The best stocklot offers from 150 countries

More than 100 000 of satisfied users

Offers cheaper by up to 90% of the price

Direct contact to resellers and wholesalers

The advantages of PREMIUM account

PREMIUM account is the flagship offer of Merkandi trading platform. The features of this type of membership are very useful for both, buyers and sellers.

The most important feature for sellers, is of course an option of listing his or her products at Merkandi. To have this option activated, a person needs to send us the documents of his or her company first. The most important thing for every potential seller, is to send us the most up-to-date documents of the company, because as soon as we will receive them, we will start a verification proccedure. Obviously, only the positive result of the verification will allow us to activate selling options for the member. 

In most cases, the verification proccedure takes a few hours, but sometimes it might take even 2-3 business days. The documents we need are basically a VAT/Tax registration certificate of the company, and the document of company registration. 

As a result of positive verification, a seller will have his or her company profile created, and will be able to start listing offers at Merkandi. Please remember, that only other members of the platform will be able to view the company profile. The short version of it will be presented just next to the offers, and a full one will be available to find in the wholesalers’ database (“Wholesale” section of Merkandi website).

  1. The basic advantage is a fact, that the company is listed among the other companies verified by us. 
  2. Another is the ability to list 50 offers in a Premium account
  3. Each seller is able to list offers in all language versions of Merkandi. This option is also free of any additional charges. The only important thing about this feature, is the fact that if You want to list offer in the other language version of Merkandi, You have to translate it to this language, i.e. if You would like to list Your offer in Italian language version, You need to translate it to Italian first. 
  4. The offers listed at Merkandi are being promoted on other websites. Moreover, we also promote the offers within Google search results. This highly improves the response rate, and increases the sales volume of the wholesaler.
  5. PREMIUM members have also access to the opinions system. As a buyer, You are then able to make a short summary of the transaction with the certain wholesaler, and read other users’ opinions about the wholesalers.
  6. Only PREMIUM members have access to the opinions’ system.
  7. The opinions are very important source of knowledge about the wholesalers. They are listed directly by other buyers, who are members of Merkandi. They might be really helpful in making a final decision about purchasing products from the certain wholesaler, they also point out some important information about wholesalers.


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