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The best stocklot offers from 150 countries

More than 100 000 of satisfied users

Offers cheaper by up to 90% of the price

Direct contact to resellers and wholesalers

What is Merkandi?

Merkandi is an international wholesale trading platform, which brings together wholesalers, distributors, exporters, importers and volume buyers of end of line stocks, cancelled orders’ stocks, liquidation stocks, bankrupt stocks, overstocks, untested customer returns, excess stocks etc. Merkandi operates on the biggest European wholesale markets, and is available in many different languages. Thanks to our platform, wholesale buyers are able to reach the wholesalers and distributors of quality merchandise, which is available to buy for heavily reduced prices. Apart from one-­time deals, buyers and sellers are also able to establish a long-­term cooperation, in order to buy and sell pallets of stock, or even containers of products, on a regular basis.

Our wholesale trading platform provides our users with advanced, yet easy to use, IT system, which enables them to exchange information and discuss the transactions in an easy and convenient way. How is that possible? Our features make communication between buyers and sellers from Europe, as well as the rest of the world, much easier and more effectual. Moreover, Merkandi website consists of thousands of wholesale offers, which can be easily browsed or searched. All of the offers are listed by the wholesalers and distributors directly, therefore every buyer will always contact them directly, to find out more about the products, or to discuss placing an order with them.

Our wholesale trading platform is utilized by wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, brokers, import/export companies, shop owners, e-tailers and car booters. Besides these groups of members, we are also very popular among auctioneers and major chain stores.

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