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More than 100 000 of satisfied users

Offers cheaper by up to 90% of the price

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Why has my offer been blocked?

In some cases, You might find out, that some of Your offers are blocked. Below You will find 3 basic reasons for that:

  1. Contact details in the offer - You are not allowed to disclose any of Your contact information in Your offers, uploaded files and images, including watermarks on the images. This applies to any information, which will help in contacting You by people, who do not have users' accounts at Merkandi. It is simply against our rules, and may result with blocking the offer.
  2. The offer has not been translated - You are allowed to list Your offers in all language versions of Merkandi, but You have to translate them first. The language used for describing the product has to be coherent with the particular language version of Merkandi.
  3. The offer is a duplicate - the particular offer can be listed only once. If You would like to list i.e. similar product or stock, then the new offer has to have it’s unique title and description. You are not allowed to copy and paste the title and description, and then list such offer as a new, different one. This applies to slightly modified offers too. Adding few more words to the description, and i.e. an ordinal number to the offer’s title is not enough to list it as a new one, next to the previous one. Please remember, that we will block duplicated offers straight-away.

Of course, we are always trying to contact our members, and ask them to modify their offers, to have them re-listed at the website. We always try to find the most convenient solution of the problems like these. 

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