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020141 Women's sweater by Lascana. A model in the color orange

€5.90 /piece price excl. VAT

Minimal order
15 pieces
Available quantity
400 pieces
Shipping time
2 days

Message Phone call

020141 Women's sweater by Lascana. A model in the color orange - description

This women's sweater from the German company Lascana will help your customers cheer themselves and others up.

The bright, colorful, soft, large knitted sweater gives every woman a unique charm and self-confidence.

A model in the color orange.

German sizes: 32, 36, 40, 44

Model: 74317659

Minimum quantity of 14-15 pieces
Average weight 5.1 kg

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Cash

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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