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050127 mix of branded jackets of the 2nd category. Wide range of models, colours and sizes - description

It is not always possible to keep your products in good condition.

During production, transportation, sales, or storage, there are situations where good things are damaged, labels are torn off, or some other small but repairable defect occurs. Good quality jackets are no exception.

Such jackets, even if they are well-known brands, cannot be sold in our regular lots and lose the chance to find their owner.

Let's give the good jackets a second chance and those who are not willing to pay more the opportunity to buy them.

We offer you a mix of branded second choice jackets from Canadian Peak, Napapijri, Tommy Jeans, Mustang, Nike, Hollister, Adidas, NafNaf, Rochas Paris, Himalaya Mountain, Anapurna, Jott, GeoNorway, Redskins, Lee, Wrangler and other well-known brands.

The range includes autumn and winter jackets, vests and coats for men, women and children.
Wide range of models, colors and sizes.

All jackets with small but repairable defects

Minimum quantity - 50.0 kg

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Cash

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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