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3x 3mk ARC SE Full Screen Film for Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Smartwatch

€1.69 /piece price excl. VAT
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Xiaomi - Sil

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3x 3mk ARC SE Full Screen Film for Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Smartwatch - description

3x 3mk ARC SE Full Screen Foil for Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Smartwatch Original 3mk® ARC SE Curved protector series Smartwatch matched to Xiaomi Mi Band 4 perfectly protects the entire screen surface. This is the first high-quality dry-mount smartphone protective film that is applied without spraying the surface with a special liquid. The 3mk protective film has an innovative material memory and Self-Heal technology, thanks to which the film adheres perfectly to the screen and spontaneously regenerates scratches. 3mk® products adhere thanks to Inviscid-Sil, a non-sticky silicone that allows multiple assembly. This makes the application very easy. Perfect fit and bubble-free assembly is complemented by the use of Fit-In™ positioning stickers Compatibility: Xiaomi Mi Band 4 Product highlights: 100% original 3mk ARC SE Smartwatch film Protects the entire screen surface Perfect transparency Self-Heal Technology Self-healing surface Full sensitivity to touch Simple and quick assembly Semi-permeable film structure that allows air bubbles to disappear up to 48h Kit contents: 3mk ARC screen (3pcs®) Fit-In™ positioning stickers, Moisturized cloths (dry, dust-free and two moistened) Specialized Anti-Bubble Card.. 3mk is a Polish brand that mainly deals with the production of tempered glasses, hybrid glasses, cases and protective films. All 3mk® products are made with the utmost care, designed to provide the best, as invisible protection as possible for our devices. The brand is characterized by extensive experience, which has been confirmed by various tests, certificates and awards.

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