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AG115 LEATHER PUNCH 2–5mm - description

Brand new, high quality turret hole for leather, rubber and other materials. It is perfect for making holes in leather, leather, cardboard, rubber and other sewing materials. It allows you to make holes in the range from 2 to 5 mm!
It has a lock of a specific hole saw (ratchet mechanism) and a lock for opening the punch. Rubberized covers on the handles increase the comfort of using the punch. Hardened tips make the hole punch will serve seamlessly for many years.
Features and product specifications:

It is ideal for making holes in leather, leather, cardboard, rubber, etc.
Allows you to make holes from 2 to 5mm
Hole saw sizes: 2 ; 3 ; 3,5 ; 4 ; 4,5 ; 5
Lock of the corresponding hole saw (ratchet mechanism)
Punch opening lock
Rubberized covers on the handles increase the comfort of using the punch
Hardened tips make the hole punch will serve us for many years
Length: 22.3 cm
Packaging: foil

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  • Bank transfer
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  • National delivery
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