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AG186 FOAM GUN - description

A foam gun that finds its application in construction and in all insulation or finishing works. The gun will definitely be useful in making seals, embedding windows, doors and window sills, filling holes and cracks in concrete, masonry, sealing "passages" of water and sewer pipes through walls (between the pipe and the wall) and many other tasks!
Product features:

Brand new, high quality product.
The gun has a metal body and a comfortable handle made of plastic.
It is equipped with a metal knob that allows you to adjust the foam jet.
Designed for applying one-component foam available in pressure containers with a standard thread.
Precise knob dispensing foam and closing the gun. This allows you to finish the work at any time - the foam does not harden without access to air.
Mechanism to prevent foam backflow and clogging of the gun and to prevent foam from spilling out.
1 plastic tip included.
Packaging: cardboard box.

Specification (dimensions):

Total length: 32 cm
Handle height: 11 cm
Total height: 19 cm
Knob diameter (max thickness): 5 cm
diameter: 18 mm
Tube diameter: 10-12mm
Outlet hole diameter: 1.5mm

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Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Cash

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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