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Batch of Android Used Mobile Phones - Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo and More - description

1. SAMSUNG S21 5G 128GB - 219€
2. XIAOMI MI 10 5G 256GB - 119€
3. OPPO A9 2020 128GB - 69€
4. XIAOMI MI 11I 5G 256GB - 125€
5. SAMSUNG A71 - 79 €
6. SASMUNG A12 - 59 €
7. SAMSUMG A52S - 95 €
8. SAMSUNG S20 - 159 €
9. SAMSUNG S20 FE - 149 €
10. SAMSUNG A51 - 89 €
11. SAMSUNG A52 - 99 €
12. HUAWEI P30 PRO - 95 €
13. HUAWEI P30 LITE - 79 €
14. HUAWEI P30 - 89 €
15. HUAWEI MATE 8 64G - 45€
16. HUAWEI MATE S 128GB - 55€
17. SAMSUNG A72 - 99 €
18. SAMSUNG A70 - 75 €
19. SAMSUNG S9 - 79 €
20. SAMSUNG S9 PLUS - 95 €
21. SAMSUNG A8 2018 - 49 €
22. SAMSUNG A40 - 55 €
23. SAMSUNG A21S - 69 €
24. SAMSUNG A50 - 69 €
25. SAMSUNG S10 - 109 €
26. SAMSUNG NOTE 9 - 99 €
27. SAMSUNG S7 EDGE - 55 €
28. SAMSUNG S7 - 45 €

Wholesale of batches of Android mobile phones. We offer a wide variety of models from well-known brands such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo and Huawei. Our prices are competitive and suitable for resellers and retailers. Take advantage of this opportunity and acquire high quality products at affordable prices! Contact us for more information.

Payment options

  • Bank transfer

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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