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Waterproof shoe covers and legs "stuptuty" - perfect for trekking, cycling or jogging. Stuptuty are perfect for hiking in forests and mountains and trekking in difficult terrain and weather conditions. They effectively protect against snow spilling into the inside of shoes and legs from getting wet. The protectors do not tire the legs, they are very light! They adapt well to the shape of the shoe and leg, do not slip during use thanks to the use of a zipper, latch and hook. A strong strap under the shoe guarantees that the stuptut will not fall off our leg during the hike.
Product features:

Brand new, high quality product.
High, tourist shoe covers are made of extremely durable impregnated material. They are characterized by high resistance to water, snow, mud and wind. They protect the legs from getting wet and shoes from snow pouring into them.
They perfectly adapt to the shape of the shoe and leg, perfectly fit and do not slip. Sewn-in zipper covered with Velcro strip and snap, additionally at the bottom a hook and a strong strap to tie under the shoe, and in the upper part sewn elastic rope with a stopper give excellent comfort.
Very lightweight, easy to clean. When folded, they take up little space.


Material: 100% polyester
Size: universal
Total length: 38 cm
Circumference: up to 45 cm
Color: black
Packaging: foil

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  • Bank transfer
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Delivery options

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  • National delivery
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