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-Candle in the Box-✅! !️ - Candle, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Dream Woman, Dream Man, Favorite Person, Merry Christmas, Mom, Angel, Sister, Tattoo, Parents, Best Pa

€2.50 /piece price excl. VAT
-10% on your first order!

Minimal order
100 pieces
Available quantity
9740 pieces
Shipping time
3 days

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-Candle in the Box-✅! !️ - Candle, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Dream Woman, Dream Man, Favorite Person, Merry Christmas, Mom, Angel, Sister, Tattoo, Parents, Best Pa - description

The declaration of love to your dream woman. You want to tell her how great she is? In everyday life, do you often forget to tell her? This news is a special proof of love for her.

Romantic text (in German). Here is an excerpt: You are my dream woman because you make my heart beat faster every day. You're really good at kissing. And because you don't want me to be any different than I am.
Candlelight for every occasion. Your 1st anniversary is coming up? Are you celebrating your wedding anniversary soon? Also perfect as a birthday present or just to say thank you. Here comes a sweet gift for her to say: I love you.

Handmade in Germany with attention to detail. A love gift for women made of wood. The wooden box is directly printed, no stickers. A treasure chest in vintage design with brilliant print and noble engraving.

Candle in a box – the gift for your dream woman. Box size: 11 x 9.3 x 3.7 cm. Material: 3 mm fibreboard. Candle format: 5.7 x 2 cm. A carefully and securely wrapped couple's gift for your favorite person.

We !️ will be happy to send you more photos of the other motifs and themes.
Such as, for colleagues, fathers, friends, children, parents, etc. !! ️

Brand: Candle IN THE BOX

Color Dream Woman

Product dimensions 9W x 11H centimeters

Item weight 160 grams

Fragrance odourless

Shape: Rectangular


RRP 16,90€ HIT !

Perfect for selling online or in different markets! !️
A super mix of motifs and themes is delivered.

Editions: Product images on request.

Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Dream woman
Favorite person
Merry Christmas
Mama Angel
Sister Tattoo
Best Dad
Best Mom
Grandpa and grandchildren
For dad of daughter
For dad of son
For mom's daughter
Best Boss
Best Female Chef
Best man
Best friend
Best friend

and others.


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  • Bank transfer
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  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
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  • Shipping is carried out to all countries on this continent!
  • Free shipping to countries:
  • Australia
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  • Argentina

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