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DA245A SOAP DISPENSER 300ML - description

Practical bathroom soap dispenser with pump. It significantly facilitates and speeds up the dosing of the right amount of liquid soap or dishwashing liquid - just press it lightly and a portion of the liquid will flow out of the dispenser. The transparent tank makes it easy to check the contents and refill them conveniently. It fills up very quickly - just unscrew the pump from the dispenser and pour the liquid through the hole - no additional tools are needed for this.
Product Features:

Practical bathroom soap dispenser with pump.
It significantly facilitates and speeds up the dosing of the right amount of liquid soap or dishwashing liquid - just press it lightly and a portion of the liquid will flow out of the dispenser.
The transparent tank makes it easy to check the contents and refill them conveniently.
It fills up very quickly - just unscrew the pump from the dispenser and pour the liquid through the hole - no additional tools are needed for this.


Material: Plastic (PP)
Capacity: 300 ml
Dimensions: 15 cm x 11 cm x 5 cm
Color: White + Transparent
Packaging: foil

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