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Facial Steamer, S-Caring Facial Sauna for facial care and facial cleansing, facial steam cleansing with Nano Ionic Steam, facial steamer for aesthetic

€9.50 /piece price excl. VAT

Minimal order
130 pieces
Available quantity
130 pieces
Shipping time
3 days

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Facial Steamer, S-Caring Facial Sauna for facial care and facial cleansing, facial steam cleansing with Nano Ionic Steam, facial steamer for aesthetic - description

About this item
?『???????? ? ????』- the S-caring facial steamer not only provides facial cleansing and deep hydration, but also helps relieve fatigue and symptoms of stuffy and runny nose. Long-term use of this facial cleansing steamer could improve the microcirculation of facial skin, keeping your appearance tender and smooth.
?『 ??????????????』- This aesthetic facial steamer converts water into nanometer-level high-temperature mist that dilates pores to allow sufficient water absorption for deep skin or to remove dirt, oil and makeup residue on the face.
『?????? ? ????? ? ???? ?? ?????』- Works on all skin types, including dry skin, oily skin and combination skin. The nano ionic steam generated by this facial sauna machine penetrates deep down to the basal layer, effectively moistening the user's skin.
『???????? ?????????』- We offer a one-year warranty from the date of purchase. During the warranty period, we may replace the vapoinhaler for inadvertent damage as long as you retain the purchase invoice.
『???????????? ??? ?'???』- This professional facial steamer can only be used with distilled or purified water to nourish facial skin. It is recommended to remain at least 20cm away from the machine during use in case of burns and it is recommended to turn off and dry the machine and the water tank after each use.

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