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Wholesale Fashion Bags and Backpacks - Various Designs and Guaranteed Quality - description

Discover our extensive stock of wholesale fashion bags and backpacks, with a wide variety of designs and models that will allow you to be at the forefront of the latest trends. In our selection, you will find options that suit different styles and preferences.

The minimum order to enjoy this offer is 100 units, which will allow you to receive an assorted selection of models and designs that will satisfy the needs of your customers. We want to highlight that our lots sell out quickly due to high demand, so we recommend that you do not think too much if you are interested in purchasing them.

The attached images show some examples of the models included in the lot, which will give you an idea of the quality and variety we offer. All our products are new and original, which guarantees their authenticity and durability.

The price of our lots is adjusted based on the purchase quantity. The larger the quantity you purchase, the lower the unit price and the greater the variety of models available. In this way, we seek to offer accessible offers for different types of clients and businesses.

This offer corresponds to an overstock of major brands, which makes it an ideal option if you are looking for end-of-season stock, stock clearance or want to take advantage of wholesale offers in Europe to purchase quality products at competitive prices.

Our products are ideal for retail clothing stores, businesses or online stores, department stores or chain stores, as well as for sales on platforms such as Amazon or eBay.

We ship throughout Europe and Africa, and we have extensive experience in exporting fashion products. Don't forget that our lots sell out quickly, so if you are interested, we recommend that you take action without delay. Contact us today!

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • PayPal

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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