Flux TS 81 100 ml AG - description
Liquid, rosin-free, highly active flux type 3.2.1 A according to ISO 9454-1, which is a mixture of inorganic and organic compounds. Designed for soldering elements made of various types of steel (including acid-resistant) and elements of chromium-nickel alloys. Application:- Chrome nickel alloys- Steel (including acid-resistant)- Brass- Tin sheet- Zinc- Copper sheets and pipes, stainless steel
Application: Flux is applied in any available ways. Flux residues are corrosive and immediately after soldering they should be washed off first with cold and then warm water (temp. about 50 ° C)
Manufacturer: AG TermoPastyPackaging: Container 100mlAppearance: transparent liquid, viscousOdour: sharp, irritatingStatic method activity at 250°C: -surface of melt of Sn60Pb40 alloy 140 mm2PH (1% aqueous solution): 1.2Density at 20°C: 1.27 g/cm3
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