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FT44 BOXING SET - description

Training punching bag with a set of accessories. An excellent device for practicing combat skills. It will also work great as a remedy for excessive stress. Just inflate it and properly weight the base so that it is ready for use. Made of solid material for high durability. The set also includes a pair of boxing gloves and a pump to inflate the bag.
Features and product specifications:

Training punching bag with a set of accessories.
An excellent device for practicing combat skills.
It will also work great as a remedy for excessive stress.
Just inflate it and properly weight the base so that it is ready for use.
Made of solid material for high durability.
The set also includes a pair of boxing gloves and a pump to inflate the bag.
Material: PVC
Bag height: 160 cm
Bag diameter: 30 cm
Base diameter: 55 cm
Pump diameter: 9 cm
Hose length: 90 cm
Glove length: 28 cm
Color: black
Packaging: cardboard

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