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Functional and damaged major appliances set customer return - 16 units

€2,900.00 /lot price excl. VAT

Minimal order
16 lots
Available quantity
16 lots

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Functional and damaged major appliances set customer return - 16 units - description

7 pallets (16 products) of large household appliances sold by Krëfel (Boulanger Group).

• Functional Customer Return: 9 units<br>• Shipping Damage: 6 units<br>• Non-Functional: 1 unit

Information: Comments on the condition of the products are in the attached Excel file.

To find out the entire lot, download the list in Excel which can be found at the bottom of this page.

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Payment online

Delivery options

  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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