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GUESS & GUESS by MARCHIANO woman - 25 Items - Brand New in Original Tags!

from €16.70 /piece price excl. VAT
€16.90 from 1 to 25 pieces
€16.80 from 50 to 50 pieces
€16.70 from 100 to 100 pieces

Minimal order
25 pieces
Available quantity
250 pieces
Guess - europe
Shipping time
7 days

Message Phone call

GUESS & GUESS by MARCHIANO woman - 25 Items - Brand New in Original Tags! - description

Guess woman mix All
All items are new, with original tags, A grade.
The models from pictures are real included in the lot.

Packing list for 25 pcs:
- 2 pullovers
- 1 cardigans
- 4 dress
- 7 shirts short and long sleeve
- 8 jeans & pants
- 2 skirts
- 1 accessories

Delivery in Europe - 30/35 euros
Contact for order

Payment options

  • Bank transfer

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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