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Karel Gott - My Way to Happiness (autobiography in Czech)

€30.79 /piece price excl. VAT

Minimal order
1 pieces
Available quantity
50 pieces
Czech Republic
Shipping time
2 days

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Karel Gott - My Way to Happiness (autobiography in Czech) - description

Karel Gott - My Way to Happiness. A unique autobiography of the greatest legend of the Czech and Czechoslovak music scene of all time. An authentic picture of the fascinating life of an exceptional artist with an international reputation, who began to shine in the musical firmament at the age of twenty. The publication contains approximately 1800 photographs and other pictorial and documentary materials, many of which have not yet been published. At the end of his stellar career, Karel Gott decided to recapitulate his exceptional life story – to write his own autobiography. He finished the book during his lifetime and also worked intensively on the pictorial documentation until his last days. He speaks openly about his private life, daughters, marriage, but also about things that have been shrouded in secrecy for various reasons. His memories go back to his earliest childhood, telling of his parents and extended family, his school years, his friends and personal hobbies, which included painting as a boy. He is both self-critical and extremely honest in his inventory of fate, especially in the final chapters, in which he describes the difficult period of his struggle with an insidious disease. Readers are thus presented with a comprehensive, in many ways captivating picture of the fateful rise of an exceptional personality who, thanks to his innate talent, unique voice, immeasurable diligence, diligence, honesty, decency and personal commitment, gave the audience beauty, joy and himself until the very end of his life's journey.

Number of pages: 696
Dimensions: 308mm x 253mm x 51mm
Weight: 3.272 kg

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