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KRAFTMULLER brake bleeder - description



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A robust plastic bleeder that allows you to easily and safely drain your vehicles' braking, clutch and steering systems.

Easy to use, the braking system can be operated on its own without the need for a third party, making this device perfect for private use. The bleeder simply connects to the reservoir containing the brake fluid and to a running compressor with a 1/4" connection and an operating pressure ranging from 6 to 12 bar - it only takes a few minutes for your brake to be bled.

In addition to a spare container, you also receive a suction hose and four adapters of different sizes. Please note that you should only use DOT-compliant brake fluid with this device.

Technical data:

Connecting thread: 1/4"
Operating pressure: 6-12 bar
Suction tank capacity: 1 liter approx.
Capacity of the refill tank: approx. 0.75 liters
Adapter size: 21-30 mm, 24-32 mm, 28-37 mm and 32-41 mm

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Cash
  • Payment online
  • VISA
  • MasterCard
  • Maestro

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

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