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Lanyard Phone Band Love Strap Colorful

€2.28 /piece price excl. VAT
-8% on your first order!

Minimal order
1 pieces
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Lanyard Phone Band Love Strap Colorful - description

Bet on color and a bit of madness! This time, the Tech-Protect brand offers an extremely practical and at the same time very feminine gadget. Love Strap or multi-colored phone hanger made of multi-colored beads is a perfectly made accessory that will appeal to every woman. The pendant can be used as a leash for a phone or an interesting addition to a backpack, purse or keys. * The phone lanyard must be mounted to the case in the lanyard holes or interlaced through the cutout to the charging port. ** The leash is made by hand, therefore the colors of the beads are random. PRODUCT FEATURES: - 100% Original - Packed in original packaging - Feminine design - Precision crafted SET INCLUDES: 1 x Tech-Protect Pendant

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