Last pieces Mixed pallets of various items. Over 1500 items on 4 pallets.
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Last pieces Mixed pallets of various items. Over 1500 items on 4 pallets. - description
We are selling 4 pallets of mixed goods.
The pallets include last pieces of vairous items in the following categories:
- Home and garden
- Moms and babies
- Car gadgets
- Health and beauty
- Pets
- Sports and entertainment
- Fashion accessories
- Electronics
- Tools
- Kitchen
- Clothing and shoes
We cannot provide an exact list of the items on the pallets as this would present to much work. All items on the pallets are new.
We are open to finding affordable shipping solutions for buyers.
Payment options
- Bank transfer
- Payment online
- PayPal
- MasterCard
- Maestro
Delivery options
- Collection in person
- National delivery
Shipping to countries
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Belarus
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Spain
- Finland
- France
- Greece
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Montenegro
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Serbia
- Sweden
- Slovenia
- Slovakia