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Set of 47 Krefel Small Appliance Products – Untested - description

This set includes 47 Small Household Appliances products offered by Krefel, a subsidiary of the Boulanger Group. These items form a varied assortment for wholesale.

All items are classified as 'untested' due to water damage in the warehouse.

Some of the items are brand new, still in their original packaging, while the other part includes display models presented in store.

Details on the condition of each product are provided in an Excel file attached to this offer.

To discover the complete composition of this lot, we invite those interested to download the detailed list available in Excel format at the bottom of this page.

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Payment online

Delivery options

  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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