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Milka Noisette Chocolate bars - Milk chocolate wholesale Germany - description

As always: Write to us for more details. Visit us on our homepage or follow us on Facebook. New offers every day.

Milka Noisette 16 x 270g Large bar, melt-in-the-mouth chocolate bar with creamy-nutty Noisette

1PU = 16 pcs. --- 160 PU / pallet = 2560 pcs. /Pallet

EXP 06/30/2022

Declaration: BG CR RO SLO SRB

Price is negotiable. You are also welcome to send us your bid.

EX Lager Hamburg.

As always: Write to us for more details. Visit us on our homepage or follow us on Facebook. New offers every day.

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Cash

Delivery options

  • Collection in person

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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