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MK Bamboo TORINO Shelf with 4 Shelves

€16.99 /piece price excl. VAT

Minimal order
1 pieces
Available quantity
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Shipping time
3 days

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MK Bamboo TORINO Shelf with 4 Shelves - description

Bamboo – one of the fastest growing plants at one meter per day. It produces an unbeatable amount of biomass and more oxygen than any other plant in the world. Already after a few months, the plant reaches its maximum size - 35 meters with a diameter of 40 centimeters. This means that four times more usable wood can be obtained from it than, for example, from an oak. Due to the high content of silica, bamboo develops incredible stability and hardness. Therefore, bamboo is often and gladly processed into various goods: accessories for the kitchen, decorative items, furniture, floor coverings and much more.
However, bamboo not only convinces with its beautiful design and excellent quality, but also the sustainability of this valuable raw material. As usual, no tree is felled by extracting the wood, because by removing the woody "straws", the regrowing stalks can unfold and develop well. Its sustainability contributes to shaping a future worth living in and makes a significant contribution to a healthy ecological balance.
So if we use bamboo instead of wood, we conserve the slowly growing resource forest and make a necessary contribution to a healthy environment, for which our "great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren" will thank us later!

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