promotions cannot be combined
18 Number of remaining packages

The best stocklot offers from 150 countries

More than 100 000 of satisfied users

Offers cheaper by up to 90% of the price

Direct contact to resellers and wholesalers

Order as desired -Category Package- 2025 No. 1 - description

We can now also welcome and inspire you on Merkandi.
Wholesale of goods with 500 pallets of A-goods
From several locations in Germany, our wholesale already supplies many happy customers at home and abroad.
Due to the high demand, sales to private individuals are now also possible here. Private individuals buy under the same conditions as traders.

Try our high-quality products and goods. Consisting of new goods, overproduction, returns, undeliverable parcels, auction goods and the bestseller in Europe "ORIGINAL Prime Mystery Pack".
We are reliably supplied by our exclusive contractual partners such as Ebay, Amazon, DHL, Otto, etc.

Since we mainly work with small products, they are ideal for vending machines as well as for trade and to give away. So you can start or upgrade your sales transactions directly.
The products are delivered unopened and in their original packaging.

Our experienced multilingual team will be happy to put together an optimal offer for you, including transport and extra requests.

We look forward to your order.


✅Order your package now! It's easy and risk-free with us!
Unknown content at least 10 articles, you select the category alone.

Select your category!

# Toy Package
# Wellness Cosmetics Package
# Household Accessories Package
# ask us for more categories

Determine the price! The value of the goods is even higher!
One package, two packages, three packages, etc.

It is put together exclusively for you by our partners. Image is an example image.

Make your wishes come true.

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Payment online

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

  • Shipping is carried out to all countries on this continent!
  • Free shipping to countries:
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
South america  
  • Argentina

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