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480 unit ovulation test - description

An ovulation test (also known as an LH test) may be used to help determine the time of ovulation. The use is relatively simple, since you just have to dip the strip in the urine, wait a few moments and read the result. The ovulation test works in such a way that the strip reacts with urine when the test tip comes into contact with it. Antibodies are applied to the test strip, which can be used to show the increase in LH levels.

The 480 unit ovulation test is an essential tool for women looking to maximize their chances of conceiving. It is ideal for medical professionals, fertility clinics, and pharmacies. Buy this high-quality ovulation test now and give your customers a reliable way to detect their ovulation period.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

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  • Bank transfer
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  • National delivery
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