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Pallets, Warehouse Sale, Discounter, MIX, Lidl, Penny, Remnants, Special Items

€195.00 /pallet price excl. VAT
The offer will expire soon
Hurry up, the offer expires tomorrow. Don't miss the opportunity!

Minimal order
5 pallets
Available quantity
no limits
Mix / returns  
penny - Lidl
Shipping time
3 days

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Pallets, Warehouse Sale, Discounter, MIX, Lidl, Penny, Remnants, Special Items - description

Pallets, Warehouse Sale, Discounter, MIX, Lidl, Penny, Remnants, Special Items
Warehouse sale discounter MIX pallets Lidl Penny, remaining stock special items
The following TOP goods can be delivered from one resolution\u00f6s.
100 mix pallets filled to the brim with great items.
Special price: from 33 pallets, 195,00 \u20ac per pallet!
Unit price 235,00\u20ac per pallet!
Everything has to go, we need space. The sale will take place as viewed, lists are not available. Well sorted and very high quality (returned goods, no guarantee) Minimum order 5 Pal. Shipping costs depend on the weight and distance, The pictures are always only examples, each pallet is individual, The goods are from all areas, well assorted many new goods returned goods.
article number:000015168757770509P2

Payment options

  • Bank transfer
  • Cash
  • Payment online

Delivery options

  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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