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KRAFTMULLER Cooling System Pressure Tester Kit 28 Pieces - description

Discover the top quality KRAFT MULLER, available for wholesale and semi-wholesale purchase. Access our catalogues and prices from your first request.

This complete 28-piece kit is indispensable for quick and efficient coolant replacement, as well as for checking the internal tightness of the engine. It can detect leaks in the cylinder heads or cracks in the blocks and heads.

The tools are suitable for radiators, heaters and radiator caps. Vacuum purge and fill tools remove air bubbles from the cooling system.

A control pump with a pressure gauge measuring from 0 to 2.5 bar (accuracy ±2%) is included to test the cooling systems of most vehicle models. Radiator test caps are color-coded for quick and accurate adapter selection.

The high-quality workmanship not only ensures high stability, but also increased durability, especially for intensive daily use.

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