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Selfie Ring LED Lamp Black

€3.18 /piece price excl. VAT
-8% on your first order!

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Selfie Ring LED Lamp Black - description

LED ring light Product description + key features Product highlights: Product: LED ring lamp with clip Material: plastic Power supply: built-in battery Light color: 5600K Number of LEDs: 36 Lamp diameter: 8.5 cm Lamp modes: 3 levels of illumination Charging: USB - microUSB Lamp mounting: With clip Included: LED ring light + USB - microUSB cable Comfort of use LED selfie indicator light with phone clip, smartphones with built-in battery. Perfect for taking photos when the place is not very well lit. Dusk sensor The ring lamp has 3 lighting modes - weak, medium and powerful. Lighting power is adjusted by a single and each subsequent click of the button, which is located on the back of the device. Built-in rechargeable battery and clip No batteries are needed for the lamp to operate. The lamp has a built-in battery that can be charged using the USB - microUSB cable included in the kit. The set also includes a clip, thanks to which we have the ability to mount the lamp anywhere.

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