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TWILL LEVIS Pants Stock lot - $6.75 pcs - description

Levi’s twill pants grade (A)
All pants Price:6.75 pcs
take all
Shorts price:$5.45 pcs

We have available the following stock Lot
35,000 pcs
Mens Levis Twill pants
Brands included in the lot
Levi's Twill pants
Levi’s signature
Levi’s Denizen
Dockers pants

Inside in the lot you will have around 5,000 pcs Men’s shorts
Dockers / Denizen and signature

Please write to us with your contact info with end destination sea port to send the videos and more picture from each style.

Note: Some Country restrictions apply

Thanks in advance,

Payment options

The wholesaler has not set the payment options. In order to receive information about the payment methods - please contact the seller directly.

Delivery options

  • Collection in person
  • National delivery
  • International delivery

Shipping to countries

The seller has not declared the countries to which he is sending the product. To obtain this information, please contact the seller.

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