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Weed trimmer head- String trimmer head, Grass trimmer head, Weed eater head - description

The versatile mowing attachment in combination with the backpack mower turns out to be a powerful tool that can be used to tame overgrown greens without any problems. The robust steel lines handle brush, undergrowth, tall grass and weeds, and the attachment can also be used for other purposes.

The attachment ensures powerful and reliable mowing even on overgrown surfaces with undergrowth, bushes and other challenges. 11.9011.909.9 Compared to conventional attachments with a thread or blade, this attachment is much more robust and powerful, suitable for use in more demanding terrain. Mowing is done by short steel cables, which are extremely durable and practically cannot be destroyed.
This means that we can devote ourselves without worry to those tasks for which a backpack mower would otherwise not be the right solution. With a size of 150 or 200 mm, it corresponds to conventional backpack mowers and enables easy installation and use. The mowing attachment works great in the fight against overgrown vegetation, but it can also help with cleaning dust and dirt, removing leaves and similar tasks in the field.

Size: 20cm (diameter)
Material: Steel
4-piece installation kit included

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