Wholesale Handbag Lot - Online Handbag Wholesaler - description
Discover our large stock of fashionable bags and backpacks, with a selection of different models and designs. We offer you the latest trends for this season.
Minimum order: 100 units.
Our batch is shipped with a wide variety of models and designs, carefully stocked to meet your needs.
In the images we show some of the models included in the lot. Products are shipped in boxes or pallets, depending on the quantity ordered. All our products are new and original.
The price is adjusted based on the quantity purchased, which means that the larger the quantity, the lower the price and the wider the variety. Our offerings are designed to be accessible to different types of customers and businesses.
Our products are part of the overstock of department stores, which makes them an ideal choice if you are looking for end-of-season stocks, stock clearance or great deals from wholesalers in Europe. We offer competitive prices and the best offers on the market.
This bundle is perfect for clothing retailers, selling on platforms like Vinted, businesses or online stores, department stores, chain stores, selling online on Amazon or eBay, and more. You can request a quote without obligation, place your order directly through our website or contact us by WhatsApp, where we will be happy to help you solve any questions you may have.
We ship both nationally and internationally, and we have extensive experience in exporting products from Spain to Africa and the Middle East. Our lots sell out quickly, so if you're interested, don't hesitate to contact us!
Payment options
- Bank transfer
Delivery options
- Collection in person
- National delivery
- International delivery