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ZW7 TICK REMOVAL TOOL 3PCS. - description

Set of 3 plastic hooks for removing ticks. Absolutely indispensable for all people who spend time actively outdoors. It quickly and conveniently removes ticks in humans and is great for pulling out ticks nested in animal hair (e.g. dogs and cats). Features and product specifications:

Brand new, high quality product.
It is ideal for pulling ticks out of the fur of our pets (dogs and cats).
The hooks are made of durable plastic, they are safe for humans and animals.
Simple and reliable design guarantees thorough removal of the tick without leaving its remnants in the body.
Unlike tweezers, the tool does not crush the tick when removing it – thanks to this, the risk of pathogenic microorganisms transmitted by these arachnids getting into our body decreases
The kit includes the tool in three different sizes, which allows you to get rid of even very small ticks and those stuck in a hard-to-reach place
It takes up little space – indispensable when traveling, during trips out of town, camping, etc.
How to remove a tick with the help of a tool? Insert the hook between the skin and the tick, slightly tilt the hook and twist it 2-3 times. The place after the bite should be washed with a disinfectant.
Material: plastic
3 hooks with lengths: 5.5 cm, 5 cm and 4.2 cm
Color: green

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