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Regulations of the Packages for business service

§ 1 General

  1. Contractor - Merkandi LTD, hereinafter referred to as Merkandi, based in England, Unit 4E, Enterprise Court, S63 5DB Rotherham.
  2. Principal - an entrepreneur or a private individual, purchasing a business package.
  3. Packages for business - a set of services and benefits in the form of packages, provided by the Contractor.
  4. Cost of the service - the amount that the Customer has to pay in order to purchase a business package.
  5. Ordered services - services that, after purchase, remain in the Principal's user account at any time at their disposal.
  6. Automatic services - services that activate automatically and operate without the involvement of the Principal.


§ 2 Scope of the service provided

  1. The client places an order for a business package via the Merkandi website. The cost of the package and the services included in it are indicated directly on the website https://merkandi.com/packages.
  2. After paying for the package ordered by the Principal, the Contractor receives a confirmation message. From then on, depending on the type of service:  
    1. For ordered services - the client has an unlimited amount of time to complete the service form that initiates the service provision
    2. For automatic services - services are activated automatically in the Principal's account.
  3. The Ordering Party, by purchasing a Package for Business, also accepts the terms and conditions of services included in the packages. Availability of individual terms and conditions:  
  4. The service is deemed to have been completed when the Customer receives an e-mail confirmation that the package has been activated.  
  5. In the event that the Contractor is unable to launch the service package, the amount paid for the service is returned to the Customer's account within 3 working days. The reimbursement is made in the same form as the payment made by the Customer for the service. If such a return cannot be made, the Contractor will contact the Principal to arrange another form of return. &Nbsp;
  6. The service package is available for use for an unlimited time, with the proviso that its use is possible only when the Principal has an active account on the Merkandi platform.
  7. The Contractor informs that some of the services included in the Packages for business are aimed at users with an active sale option. The Principal, who does not have an active put option, may not use them until the company is verified and the said option is activated. The refusal to activate or deactivate the put option, for whatever reason, does not entitle the Principal to claim a refund for the purchase of the package. &Nbsp;


§ 3 Returns

  1. The customer has the option of reimbursing the fee for the service provided within 100 calendar days from the date of ordering the service. After 100 calendar days from the date of ordering the service, the Customer is not entitled to a refund.
  2. The condition for the return is the lack of commencement of the performance of the requested services. At the time of completing the service form, the right to return shall cease to apply, except for the situation specified in point. 6 § 2 and pt. 1, 2 and 3 § 4.
  3. In order to receive a refund, the Ordering Party should contact the Merkandi Customer Service Office, whose contact details are available in the contact tab on the website: https://merkandi.pl/contact. 
  4. The Contractor reserves that in the event of a change in the contents of the package, the Ordering Party may apply for a reimbursement of a proportion of the cost of the service in relation to the purchase cost of the entire package.


§ 4 Complaints

The Contractor allows for the initiation of the complaint procedure in the following cases:

  1. The service package has not been activated in the Principal's account.
  2. The services are defective or are no longer available as part of the package due to changes made by the Contractor.  
  3. The client has received offers for goods other than those specified in the order.

In order to submit a complaint, please contact the Merkandi Customer Service Office. Contact details are available in the contact tab on the website: https://merkandi.pl/contact. In the content of the complaint, the Principal is obliged to provide his full details, contact details, the number of the paid invoice, and indicate at least one of the above-mentioned cases justifying the initiation of the complaint procedure by Merkandi.
The contractor is obliged to consider the complaint within 30 days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the application.


§ 5 Final provisions

In matters not covered by these Regulations, the General Commercial Terms and Conditions of Merkandi and relevant legal acts shall apply.

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