Wholesale Laundry Detergent Dash, Dalli, Bonux Fine, Ariel - description
We ask detergent powder, liquid and detergent caps
Dalli, Dash and Bonux
Pack sizes from 14 WL to 40 60 WL, 100 WL and beyond,
Always choose the detergent according to the type of textile, e.g. heavy-duty, color or mild detergent.
For most textiles, you can use a color or heavy-duty detergent. However, special fabrics must be cared for in particular. For example, wool and silk, black laundry, sports/membrane textiles and fine laundry should be washed with the appropriate detergents.
In some areas, it may be that an additional water softener for the laundry is useful. Your responsible waterworks will inform you about the hardness range of your water. The hardness of the water should be taken into account when using the right dosage.
Payment options
- Bank transfer
- Cash
- PayPal
Delivery options
- Collection in person
- National delivery