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GRÜNIQ 15KWh LifePO4 48V Solar Battery 300Ah Lithium BYD Battery Cells

€1,750.00 /piece price excl. VAT
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GRÜNIQ 15KWh LifePO4 48V Solar Battery 300Ah Lithium BYD Battery Cells - description

LiFePO4 LITHIUM-ION-BATTERIES 48V (51,2V)-300Ah-Aluminium housing
Brand/Model: GRÜNIQ/GR48-300SP
Max. Storage capacity of 15.36KWh
BYD cells used

Compatibility: 48V inverter ( hybrid or offline )

Country of brand registration: Germany

Already available from stock, the high-quality LifePO4 storage system from GRÜNIQ with BYD battery cells

GRÜNIQ LiFePO4 batteries have a high charging and discharging efficiency, which means that less energy is lost as heat during charging and discharging. This efficiency leads to better overall performance. The GRÜNIQ storage system is known for its excellent safety features. Compared to other lithium-ion batteries, the storage system is less susceptible to thermal runaway and more stable at high temperatures. This makes it a safer choice for household energy storage.


The GRÜNIQ storage system is compatible with many low-voltage (48V) hybrid inverters:

Deye, Pylontech, Invt, Voltronic, Growatt, Goodwee, Victron, etc..

*If your inverter is not in the list, please contact our service team to provide you with the correct parameters for the battery settings.

Nominal voltage: 48V(51.2V)
Nominal capacity: 300 Ah / 15.36 kWh

Number of cells: 16
Cell type: BYD-Life PO4 battery/LFP
Full charge voltage: 56V - 60V
Discharge voltage range: 40V - 48V

Certification: UN38.3/CE/MSDS/DGM

-Warranty: 5 year warranty for all GRÜNIQ LifePO4 battery models.

Product size: (1188 x 507 x 212) mm
Package size: ( 668 × 605 × 678) mm
Package weight: 147 KG


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